Washington: US President Joe Biden has decided to re-join the Paris agreement, which has been hugely lauded by the leaders across the countries, including France, United Kingdom, and Japan. The Prime Minister of the UK, Boris Johnson, on Thursday, took to his Twitter handle to express his delight in Biden’s decision. His tweet read – “President @JoeBiden rejoining the Paris Agreement is hugely positive news. In the year we host @COP26 in Glasgow, I look forward to working with our US partners to do all we can to safeguard our planet”. 

Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, welcomed back the US to the agreement through a tweet on his official Twitter handle, writing – “To @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris [US Vice President]. Best wishes on this most significant day for the American people! We are together. We will be stronger to face the challenges of our time. Stronger to build our future. Stronger to protect our planet. Welcome back to the Paris agreement”.

The Foreign Minister of Japan Toshimitsu Motegi welcomed Biden’s decision, saying – “Japan is seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050 and build a carbon-neutral society, and this course is in line with the US policy”. Foreign Minister Motegi further added, “Our country, in cooperation with the United States, including in the field of advanced technologies, will continue to lead the international community to build a carbon-neutral society, as required by the Paris agreement.”

Within a few hours of swearing-in as the new President of the US, Biden has already signed a dozen of executive orders, and as an inclusion, he made an announcement that the US has plans for re-joining the Paris climate accord. Notably, the Paris climate accord is a significant international agreement between the two countries, which was signed back in 2015 to bring a decrease in global warming, while the Trump administration had not carried on with the agreement by the ending of 2020. 

Biden asserted – “We are going to combat climate change in a way we have not done so far”.