Washington: “Joe Biden will be a president who represents the best of America”, his deputy and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris has said, subtly stating that he is a leader the world will respect.

Lavishing praise on 78-year-old US President-elect, Harris on Friday said that Biden will be a president for all Americans in her tweet.

Kamala Harris has created history, as she has become the first Black American woman to be elected as the Vice President of the country. The 56-year-old Harris is the daughter of an Indian immigrant from Chennai.

Several Indian-origin politicians have been elected as state heads or other powerful political heads in various parts across the globe, from Mauritius to Fiji, in previous decades. But Harris, as the Vice President-elect of the United States of America, has become the most powerful Indian-origin politician ever. 

President Biden on the other hand called for unity in the country in a series of Tweets. “This is our moment together to write a newer, bolder, more compassionate chapter in the life of our nation.” – he said in a Tweet,

adding “Each of us has a responsibility in our own lives to do what we can to slow the virus. Every decision we make matters. Every decision we make can save a life”.

According to John Hopkins data, the US has recorded more than 13 million of the population infected with the deadly virus, while the death rate is 264,000, which is the highest toll in the world. 

“This is the moment where we need to steel our spines, redouble our efforts, and recommit ourselves to the fight against COVID-19. Let’s remember. We all are in this together.” – he wrote in one of his Tweets.