A recent report shows that outside of the six-hour daylight, Joe Biden has issues. The controversy arises from the fact that the 81-year-old president is prone to occasional slips of the tongue, and recent allegations claim that he recently suffers from some clarity and energy issues when speaking late at night or during his foreign travels.

To assuage concerns raised after Biden’s peculiar performance during the face-off with Donald Trump on June 27, his White House aides reportedly told Axios that he becomes more lethargic and is likely to make gaffes most of the time when it’s past 10 am or 4 pm or when on an overseas trip. In the debate, Biden fumbled for words, momentarily looked lost, and stuttered, which only heightened further questions about his suitability for the job.

After the debate, Biden’s remarks in the afternoon in Raleigh, North Carolina, were certainly less muddled, and the Biden who came across was more lively, to say the least. Speaking to a sympathetic audience shortly after one in the afternoon, he accepted physical and verbal bullying but stood up for honesty and efficient administration.

As much as there are contenders pushing Biden to quit messaging, there are affirmations suggesting his intention to go on with the campaign. He also stands to announce his willingness to engage in a second debate with Donald Trump in spite of emerging abrasive attacks.

Days ago, Biden got waves of support from his family members, including his wife, children and grandchildren, when they went for a family retreat at Camp David, according to a news agency, with most of them advising him to continue the debate though they agreed that the latter had some weaknesses. However, Biden’s family warned the public, stating that although they know he can do better, he changed after the debate.

Continuous discussion about Biden’s appearance means that more significant questions about his health and ability to function physically and mentally are essential in his leadership role. Thus, it can be pinpointed that with the development of the election season, the assessments of Biden’s physical fitness will remain one of the main subjects to public and political concern.

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