Washington: ‘Will respond swiftly and decisively’ said US Prez Joe Biden in a hour long discourse on Sunday with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. Biden pressed US along with its allies and partners would respond swiftly and decisively to any further Russian aggression against the ex-Soviet nation.

The call came after military forces build upon Ukraine’s border. A senior Ukrainian official said, Zelensky renewed calls for Washington to provide greater military and financial support to Ukraine and asked Biden to visit, as this would play a crucial role in its back up against Russia. However, it is unlikely that Biden would visit the nation amidst rising tensions. Zelensky also emphasized to Biden the need for a significant financial package for Ukraine, according to the official.

White House noted security assistance to Ukraine is ongoing, highlighted shipments in recent weeks and said the administration is exploring “additional macroeconomic support to help Ukraine`s economy” amid the Russian military build-up.

It is since November that the nuclear nation neighbouring Ukraine has been deploying forces, which US Intelligence claims to be a prep for an invasion. US and several other western nations have advised their citizens to depart from Ukraine citing an attack any time now.