Washington: The US Senate on Monday concertedly approved a bill to require the federal government to declassify information about any links between China’s Wuhan  Institute of Virology and Covid-19. This bill passed after it was reported that three researchers at the lab were hospitalized with COVID-like symptoms in November 2019. 

The bill was introduced by Sen. Josh Hawley(R-Mo.) and co-sponsored by Sen. Mike Braun(R-Ind). The intelligence community is prescribed 90 days to yield definitive conclusions on the origin of the virus, said President Biden on Wednesday. 

 The bill requires the Director of National Intelligence(DNI) to declassify “any and all information” about links between the lab and the virus within 90 days.  It also calls for the DNI to make “as much information as possible” about the origin of the virus publicly available, in order to identify the origin “as swiftly as possible.” 

 Specific questions for China have been instructed by Mr President in the statement. The bill should seek answers for ‘activities performed’ by the Institute, the identities, symptoms, and covid status of the three researchers, and their roles at the Institute – specifically whether they were ‘involved with or exposed to coronavirus’, he dictated.

If passed by the Senate and signed by Mr Biden, the bill would require the DNI to submit an unclassified report to Congress with redrafting limited to those that protect sources and methods’ without ‘altering or obscuring’ essential data.

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