Ukraine: United States President Joe Biden approved a $100 million transfer of Javelin anti-armour missiles to Ukraine, according to an administration official. This comes as the US and its allies were set to impose new sanctions on Moscow over civilian killings in northern Ukraine, which President Volodymyr Zelenskyy described as “war crimes” demanding commensurate punishment.

Zelenskyy showed a harrowing video of dead civilians to the UN Security Council while asking for Russia’s “accountability”. He said Russia had committed the ‘most serious war crimes’ since World War Two and needed to be held accountable.

Heavy fighting and Russian airstrikes continue in the encircled Ukrainian city of Mariupol, British military intelligence said on Wednesday. “The humanitarian situation in the city is worsening,” the defence ministry said. “Most of the 160,000 remaining residents have no light, communication, medicine, heat or water. Russian forces have prevented humanitarian access, likely to pressure defenders to surrender.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said French President Emmanuel Macron has agreed to provide technical and expert support for an investigation into crimes committed by Russian troops in Bucha and elsewhere. The United States and its allies will on Wednesday impose new sanctions on Russian banks and officials and ban new investment in Russia, the White House said, amid global outrage over mass killings in Ukraine’s Bucha.

Over 400 people are reportedly missing from Hostomel in Kyiv Oblast. According to the reports, the US Treasury will sanction the Russian dark web marketplace Hydra. Hydra is the largest marketplace on the dark web by revenues popular among cybercriminals. The US treasury will also sanction Garantex, a virtual currency exchange.