GENEVA: The WHO has slammed China for withholding data pertaining to samples taken from the markets in Wuhan in 2020 for learning about the genesis of coronavirus. It has called on the country to be transparent to share the results of the investigations it conducts.

The warning by WHO came after an international team of virus hinted genetic data from samples collected in the Huanan market in Wuhan city linked raccoon dogs sold there.

“Every piece of data relating to studying the origins of COVID-19 needs to be shared with the international community immediately. These data could have – and should have – been shared three years ago,” World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva on Friday.

Meanwhile, a new variant of COVID-19 was detected in Israel. Two unidentified variants have been detected in two who traveled abroad said- the Israeli health ministry.

The new variant is a combination of BA.1 (omicron) and BA.2 variants, reports stated. On testing positive after PCR, the samples of the two passengers were sent for sample analysis which resulted in the detection of two new strains said- an official from the health ministry. The two are above thirty in age and contracted the infection from their son- the official added stating that they presented symptoms like headaches, muscle aches, and fever.