Elon Musk on Friday said that Twitter will grant a “general amnesty” to suspended accounts starting next week. He announced the decision after he held a poll on the microblogging site asking users whether suspended accounts that “have not broken the law or engaged in egregious spam” should be granted amnesty.

The announcement comes as Musk faces pushback that his criteria for content moderation is subject to his personal whim, with reinstatements decided for certain accounts and not others.

“The people have spoken. Amnesty begins next week,” Musk tweeted, responding to the poll.

Of 3.16 million respondents to Musk’s Wednesday poll question, 72.4 percent said Twitter should allow suspended accounts back on Twitter as long as they have not broken laws or engaged in “egregious spam,” Musk posted.

He also claimed that hate speech impressions on Twitter were down by one-third from pre-spike levels. Congratulating the Twitter team, the new owner of the social media giant tweeted an image showing the dip in hate speech on the platform.

Trump’s Twitter account was reinstated Saturday after a narrow majority of respondents supported the move.