Bangladesh: On Saturday, the police of Bangladesh opened fire on the protesting workers at the Chinese- financed power plant. Due to the firing, five people were dead and dozens were injured. Saiduzzman Chowdhury, a government administrator in the southern coastal town of Banshkhali said that after the workers became violent, the police started shooting at them. The workers were protesting over unpaid wages, the long working hours, and alleged discrimination.

Banshkhali police chief, Azizul Islam stated that about 2000 protesters were throwing rocks and bricks at the police. And then the police responded to the protest with gunfire. Earlier also, due to the 2.5 billion-dollar, 1200 MW coal power plant, many deadly protests have taken place. In a protest in 2016, four people were killed by the shooting of police. In 2017, police had opened gunfire at a rally in which one man was killed. From the latest protests, four bodies with bullet wounds were taken to the hospital where a doctor informed that 12 others were treated for the wounds.

The executive director said that about 3000 construction workers were employed in the power plant who were appointed by a Chinese contractor.