Pawan Kalyan, Andhra Pradesh’s Deputy Chief Minister, said that he will seek atonement (reparation for sin) for not being able to detect animal fat in Tirupati laddu prasadam given at Tirumala Tirupati temple. In a post on social platform X, he said he was shocked to know about the alleged use of animal fat and called it “a stain on the Hindu race”.

He further said that everyone who believes in Sanatana Dharma should atone for this “terrible injustice” done to the God of Kali Yuga. “As part of that, I decided to do a penance initiation. On 22nd September 2024, Sunday morning, I will take initiation in Sri Dashavatara Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Nambur, Guntur District. After continuing the initiation for 11 days, I will visit Tirumala Sri Venkateswara Swamy,” the post added.

Meanwhile, an employee of AR Dairy Food Private Limited – a Tamil Nadu-based company in the dock for allegedly supplying adulterated ghee to the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams for Sri Venkateswara Temple prasadam – has called the allegations against the firm “absurd”. The officer said the company has been producing ghee since 1998. He said the milk procured for ghee undergoes 102 quality checks.

Meanwhile, spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said in a post on Sunday that the row has inflicted a deep wound in the Hindu psyche.

“The Tirupati laddu row has inflicted a deep wound and rage in the Hindu psyche. It is high time that temple management is overseen by, and handed over to, religious leaders and devotees, rather than self-serving officials, ruthless business people and politicians,” he wrote on X.

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