Kolkata: Cyclones are becoming increasingly strong and frequent on both sides of the Indian coast due to climate change. Another illustration of this pattern is the recent storm Mocha, which is predicted to strike the western coasts of Bangladesh and Myanmar.

Several variables, including warm sea surface temperatures, high levels of atmospheric moisture, and little wind shear, contribute to the formation of cyclones. The sea surface temperature is rising due to climate change, which makes it easier for cyclones to originate and intensify.

More evaporation is brought on by the warming of the Indian Ocean, which raises the amount of moisture in the atmosphere and aids in developing cyclones. In addition, due to changes in wind patterns brought on by climate change, there is less wind shear, which favors cyclone development and intensification.

Cyclones are extremely dangerous in the Bay of Bengal, and their frequency and power have grown over time. Millions of people are at risk due to the rise in storm frequency and intensity in the area, especially those residing in low-lying coastal areas.

Strong early warning systems, better disaster preparedness, and actions to lower greenhouse gas emissions are required to lessen the consequences of climate change and the impact of cyclones.

Cyclone Mocha serves as another reminder of the pressing need for action to address the mounting threat posed by climate change. Millions of people are in danger due to cyclones’ growing frequency and intensity. Thus, it is critical to make a coordinated effort to lessen this hazard.