JAIPUR: Shraddha like murder in Rajasthan. A new in Lalpuria apartment Sector-2 in Vidyadharnagar area of Jaipur, on December 11 allegedly killed his widow aunt Saroj Sharma (64), by hitting her on the head with a hammer and dismembered her into 10 pieces using a marble cutter machine in his bathroom before disposing of them in the jungle. Following which he himself reached the police station and filed a missing report of his aunt to escape suspicion.

The incident came to the fore after Anuj the accused was caught by the daughter of the deceased while washing away blood stains in the kitchen. Subsequently, she filed a complaint agaisnt. Anuj Sharma alias Achintya Govinddas was immediately taken into custody and some body parts have also been found in the forest .

Anuj was reportedly angry over the constant interruption of her aunt in his life. He had joined the Hare Krishna Movement after completing his B.Tech. On December 11, he had to leave for Delhi but his aunt refused, which made him angry and he allegedly killed her.