New Delhi: Raghav Chadha, an Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA, slammed Navjot Singh Sidhu on Friday, calling him the “Rakhi Sawant of politics.” Rakhi Sawant is a Bollywood actress who has a reputation for making controversial statements. “The Rakhi Sawant of Punjab politics -Navjot Singh Sidhu- has received a scolding from Congress high command for a nonstop rant against Capt. Therefore today, for a change, he went after Arvind Kejriwal. Wait till tomorrow for he shall resume his diatribe against Capt with vehemence,” Chadha tweeted. as a reply to Sidhu’s video.

Navjot Singh Sidhu, the head of the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee (PPCC), released a video in which he criticized Arvind Kejriwal and the AAP on farmer reforms. He stated, “Exploitation of farmers and decreasing prices even on crops where MSP is announced – Arvind Kejriwalji… you notified the Private Mandi’s central black law! Has it been denotified or is the masquerade still going on?”

Soon after Chadha’s comment, celebrity Rakhi Swant became a popular topic on Twitter, with netizens rallying behind her and criticizing the AAP MLA for the analogy. Alka Lamba, a former AAP member who now works for the Congress, said Chadha’s comments revealed the ruling AAP’s attitude toward women in Delhi, equating it with RSS ideology. A netizen reacted, “Rakhi Sawant- the most hard-working who gives her hundred per cent loyalty and effort to each project she takes, turning a dull flop show into an entertaining one, she is a compliment compared to the hateful fake counterparts!” Another user wrote, “What’s wrong in being a Rakhi Sawant that you are using it as an insult? No matter how hard these seasoned sanghis try to cover their reality, it does slip occasionally.”