July 16 marks National Cherry Day in many countries including the United States and United Kingdom. The day not only honors the fruit but also highlights its significance in culinary traditions and the positive health impacts of the fruit. Since the date coincides with the peak of cherry season, it is the perfect time to celebrate this vibrant and flavourful fruit.


The origins of the National Cherry Day date back to the cherry-growing regions where farming communities would come together to harvest and enjoy the fresh fruit of the season. Over time, it grew to became a festival and a popular observance that promotes this little fruit for both taste and health benefits.

Health Benefits: National Cherry Day

Besides being a delicious fruit, cherries pack a punch when it comes to health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants like anthocyanins. This gives cherry its rich red color and contributes to their anti-inflammatory properties. Since it consists of natural melatonin content, studies reveal that regular consumption of this little red fruit helps to promote better sleep, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation.

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