Mumbai: In a tragic incident, a 24-year-old trainee flight attendant named Rupal Ogrey was discovered dead in an apartment in Andheri, Mumbai, in the early hours of Monday morning, raising suspicions of foul play. Mumbai Police swiftly initiated a murder case in response and swiftly formed four teams to apprehend any potential suspects, according to DCP Datta Nalawade.

The body was promptly sent for a post-mortem examination at Rajawadi Hospital as the investigation unfolds, reported Mumbai Police. The apartment in question is situated at N G Complex, Krishanlal Marwah Marg, near Tata Power Centre Bus Station in Marol, Andheri.

The case has been officially registered at Powai police station. Rupal Ogrey, the female victim, had been working as a trainee air hostess. In the flat where the tragic incident occurred, she shared living quarters with her sister and her sister’s boyfriend, both of whom had departed for their hometown eight days prior for personal reasons. They were notified about the incident by the police on Monday morning and are now en route to Mumbai.

Rupal Ogrey had last communicated with her family via a WhatsApp video call on Sunday morning. Consequently, it is suspected that the murder transpired between Sunday afternoon and the early hours of Monday. The investigation is currently underway.