On Sunday, the Manipur Governor Ajay Kumar Bhalla said that the chief secretary and the DGP must prioritize the people’s safety and security. At the same time, the army and paramilitary forces maintain law and order in the state. The directive came amid rising unrest. On Wednesday, demonstrators attacked the Kangpokpi police station, throwing stones to show displeasure with the continued presence of the central forces.

Governor NF Desmond C Kirkpatrick held a major security meeting at Raj Bhavan, Imphal, on Saturday to assess the state’s overall security situation and particularly vulnerable borders. Security Advisor Kuldeep Singh and DGP Rajiv Singh, as well as senior officers of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and Border Security Force (BSF), graced the meeting. The Chief Minister also posted on Facebook and other platforms to share updates of the discussions with a focus on improving coordination and preserving harmony.

The situation worsened in Kangpokpi on Friday evening, where protestors in the Kuki majoritarian district insisted on the pullout of the central forces deployed at Uyokching, close to Imphal West. Policemen opened fire and threw tear gases when violence broke out, which injured Kangpokpi Superintendent of Police (SP) M. Prabhakar.

To this factor, Kuki-Zo groups in Manipur placed an indefinite economic blockade and later a 24-hour shutdown over security deployment in Saibol. This village is adjacent to Uyokching. The Committee on Tribal Unity (CoTU) later added the shutdown continued until Sunday morning.

On the other hand, the official of Kangpokpi District Magistrate Mahesh Chaudhary orders sub-divisional magistrates to be present in their stations, observe any arising incidents, and safeguard the people’s lives. Chaudhari urged the administration to promptly contain a volatile situation and uphold order in troubled regions.

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