New Delhi: On October 15th each year, the United Nations observes International Day of Rural Women, a day dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the invaluable contributions of rural women across the globe. These women, often the backbone of their communities, play a pivotal role in ensuring food security, preserving cultural heritage, and fostering sustainable development.

Rural women, constituting over a quarter of the world’s population, are the driving force behind agricultural production, accounting for approximately 43% of the agricultural labor force globally. In India, 81.3 per cent of female workforce constitute rural women. From cultivating crops to managing livestock, their hands nurture the land, providing sustenance for their families and communities.

Their contributions extend beyond the fields, as they actively engage in preserving traditional knowledge, skills, and cultural practices. They are the custodians of rich cultural heritage, passing down traditions from generation to generation, ensuring the continuity of their communities’ unique identities.

Despite their immense contributions, rural women often face immense challenges, including limited access to education, healthcare, and financial resources. They are often disproportionately affected by poverty, gender inequality, and the impacts of climate change.

International Day of Rural Women serves as a reminder of the need to address these challenges and empower rural women to reach their full potential. By investing in their education, healthcare, and access to resources, we can unleash a wave of progress, not only for rural women but for entire communities and nations.

On this International Day of Rural Women, let us honor their resilience, celebrate their achievements, and amplify their voices. Let us commit to creating a world where rural women are recognized, empowered, and given equal opportunities to thrive. Their well-being is intrinsically linked to the well-being of our planet and the future of sustainable development.