Narcotics Control Bureau or NCB questioned eight people including Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan. The eight people; Mummum Dhamecha, Nupur Sarika, Ismeet Singh, Mohak Jaswal, Gomit Chopra, Vikrant Chhoker, Arbaaz Merchant, and Aryan Khan were questioned following a raid at a party on a cruise ship off the coast of Mumbai last night.

The NCB confirmed in a statement, “all eight including Aryan Khan are being questioned. Based on their statements further action will be taken”. The agency further added that drugs like ecstasy, mephedrone, cocaine, and charas were recovered from the party on cruise.

Sources reveal that Aryan was taken in questioning, but there was probably no involvement in of the actor’s son in possession of drugs. The statements are being recorded and based on the facts, arrests will be made. The accused will then be produced in the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotrophic Substances (NDPS) Court.