Manipur: Imphal in Manipur has requested assistance from the Indian Army after a new round of violence and unrest erupted there. The local government promptly reinstated a curfew to maintain law and order in the impacted neighbourhoods in response to reports of arson and rising tensions.

The authorities in Imphal sought the Army’s help to preserve peace and order when the situation there quickly worsened. The military forces are being sent in to stabilise the situation and stop any further escalation of violence.

There have reportedly been several arson incidents in Imphal that have seriously damaged both public and private property. The curfew will be promptly reinstated to stop the violence from spreading and to protect locals.

The Army and local officials are exerting tremendous effort to get things back to normal and start taking steps to deal with the root causes of the disturbance. To foster conversation and identify agreeable solutions, efforts are being made to connect with community leaders and representatives.

The precise causes of the most recent flare-up and arson activities are still being investigated. Investigations are being conducted to find the perpetrators of the violence and prosecute them.

The restoration of peace and harmony in the area and the safety and well-being of the locals are priorities at this point. The Army’s presence will boost efforts to create stability and end the continuing crisis by giving the local government the much-needed support it needs.

To keep calm, authorities have pleaded with the populace to abide by the curfew and work with the security personnel. All parties must cooperate to defuse tensions and address the underlying causes of the disturbance through civil discourse and other nonviolent ways.

Continuous observation and coordinated measures are being undertaken to restore normality and stop additional violence as the situation in Imphal continues to be volatile. The administration is dedicated to maintaining the security and safety of the populace, and it will do all in its power to end the turmoil.