NEW DELHI: An Air India flight returned to Delhi after an unruly passenger had a brawl with crew members mid-air officials said. In the flight bound to London, a passenger caused physical harm to two cabin crew members, the official from the airline added informing the passenger was deborded and a police complaint was filed.

The male passenger reportedly pulled the hair of the female cabin crew 15 minutes after the AI-111 Delhi-London flight took off.

“Air India flight Al111 scheduled to operate Delhi-London Heathrow on April 10, 2023, returned to Delhi shortly after departure due to the serious unrulv behaviour of a passenger on board. Not heedi verbal and written warnings, the passenger continued with unruly behaviour including causing physical harm to two of the cabin cre members, read the statement from the airlines.”

It added that the decision was taken in view of the secuirty of other passengers on board by the pilot in command.

The Air India Boeing 787 had taken off at 6.35 am and returned to Delhi at 9.42 am, according to Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). The civil aviation regulator which was also informed about the incident along with the police has also launched an investigation into the incident.