Zomato has issued its reply to the online v/s offline food comparison post by Rahul Kabra, a zomato customer. The social media post had gone viral and garnered almost 11,000 reactions and 1,700 comments.

In their response- Zomato wrote that being an intermediary platform between the customer and a restaurant, it does not have any control over the prices implemented by the restaurant partners on their platform.” Having said that, we have conveyed your feedback to the restaurant partner and have requested them to look into it”, the post in which the online food delivery app replied further read.

A customer recently shared a comparison between the online and offline price discrepancy through a post on social media. His post sparked a debate amongst the netizens who demanded clarity on whether or not the surge was justified.

Rahul Kabra had posted images of his food order bills comparing the prices of the same dishes being ordered online and offline from the same restaurant. He found his order cost him Rs 178 more after a discount of Rs 75 on the food delivery app while the offline bill for the same food totalled to Rs 512 only.