Mumbai: Ratan Tata, the former chairman of Tata Group, returned to Twitter after almost a four-month hiatus to clear the air around fake news being spread about him on social media. The fake news claimed that Tata had made a statement about the Afghanistan-Pakistan cricket matches, which were scheduled to be held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in October 2023.

In a tweet on October 28, 2023, Ratan Tata said, “I have made no suggestions to the ICC or any cricket faculty about any cricket member regarding a fine or reward to any players. I have no connection to cricket whatsoever. Please do not believe WhatsApp forwards and videos of such nature unless they come from my official platforms”, wrote Ratan N. Tata on his official verified Twitter account.

The 85-year old business tycoon urged his 12.6 million followers to confirm the veracity of messages sent via WhatsApp, and to only follow those that were posted from his official accounts. Fake news have been floating regarding his patronage to Afghan cricket player Rashid Khan after Afghanistan defeated Pakistan in a thriller ongoing Cricket World Cup Championship.

Ratan Tata’s tweet was widely shared on social media, and many people praised him for speaking out against fake news. Some people also shared their own experiences of being fooled by fake news, and they thanked Tata for raising awareness about this issue.

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