Mumbai: Nawazuddin Siddiqui, who is known for his power-packed performances in shows like Sacred Games, has quit digital platforms. The actor opened up on the same and said that OTT platforms have become a ‘dhanda (racket) for big production houses and actors who are now so-called stars on the OTT platform ‘. In an interview the actor revealed the same and said, “The platform has become a dumping ground for redundant shows. We either have shows that don’t deserve to be seen in the first place. Or sequels to shows that have nothing more to say.”

Nawazuddin further talked about why he decided to not work in shows on digital platforms and what changed post he starred in Netflix’s Sacred Games. “When I did Sacred Games for Netflix, there was an excitement and challenge around the digital medium. New talent was being given a chance Now that freshness is gone,” said the actor. Major film producers in Bollywood have cut lucrative deals with all the big players in the OTT field. Producers get whopping amounts to create unlimited content. Quantity has killed quality.”

Nawazuddin Siddiqui now finds shows on OTT platforms ‘unbearable’. “When I can’t bear to watch them how can I bear to be in them? They forget content is king. Woh zamana chala gaya when stars ruled. Before this lockdown and the digital domination, A-listers would release their films in 3,000 theatres across the country. People had no choice but to see them. Now they have unlimited choices,” concluded the actor.