Trending: Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter has sold a digital version of his first tweet for more than $2.9 billion. Two weeks ago, he announced a digital auction for the post. And after that two weeks, he took this big move. Sina Estavi, CEO of Bridge Oracle bought the tweet which was from March 2006 and which says “just setting up my twttr”.

NFT or non-fungible token is a digital certificate of authenticity that confirms an item is real and one of a kind. NFTs are digital assets that can be bought and sold just like physical assets. It even records the details on a blockchain digital ledger.

In the first week of March, Dorsey tweeted that the proceeds would be converted to Bitcoin. The charity was raising money for the African families who have been financially impacted by the global pandemic.

Estavi recently said, “By bidding on Jack Dorsey’s first tweet of history and Elon Musk’s NFT, I wanted to emphasize the importance of NFTs in the future of crypto and the tech sphere”.

He further added, “I wanted to encourage involvement in charities in the crypto space”. For a long time, Dorsey has been a supporter of the crypto space. Even in February, Square, his financial services company bought an additional $170 million worth of Bitcoin.