Responding to the allegations over its halal policy- Himalaya stated that “it does not imply that a product contains animal-derived ingredients.”

In its statement, the brand wrote, “Himalaya Wellness Company is exporting its products to over 100 countries. For the acceptability of the products in the importing country, the company and its products will have to comply with the importing countries’ laws and regulations.”

#Boycott Himalaya has been trending on Twitter since Thursday, after a couple of Right-wing activists demanded the removal of halal certification from the signboards of meat selling shops in Karnataka.

A section of social media users targeted Himalaya’s branding campaign using halal-certified products sharing its Halal Policy.

The image of the policy read- “Our products comply with Islamic Law/Shariah and free from any forbidden ingredients under Islamic law”. “We have set up the Internal Halal Management Team comprising of senior executives (including Muslim) from various disciplines to be responsible for all matters pertaining to Halal certification,” it added.

Some users also shared screengrabs of the Wikipedia page of the pharmaceutical company where it claimed that Himalaya was founded by a Muslim.

Netizens supporting Himalaya in this issue have pointed out that several other companies including Adani, Reliance, Tata, Hindustan Unilever, Amul, Dabur, and more have also received halal certification for their products.

After successfully being able to ban Hijab in educational institutions, the Right-wing activists have urged people to corner products that claim to be ‘halal’ stating that buying these products will only support ‘economic jihad’.