China: The covid situation in China keeps worsening day by day. According to a media report, more than 37 million people have been found infected there within 24 hours. Citing data published in different states of China, the media report has claimed that within 24 hours more than 37 million people have been found infected. 1-3 million patients are being found in each city of the country. However, according to the official figures of China, only about four thousand patients have been found positive till Friday. 

Hospitals are filled with patients in every city of China. There is an acute shortage of beds, oxygen beds, and medicines. Patients are being given drip treatment on the roadside outside the hospital. After filling the wards of the hospitals, patients have been admitted to the terrace, and corridors as well. Many sports stadiums have been converted into makeshift hospitals. 

People who died of corona in China are either being buried or burnt. Due to this, long queues are being formed at the cemeteries and funeral sites. After waiting for two days, people are getting a chance to perform the last rites of their loved ones. This waiting list is continuously increasing. There is no space left even in the mortuary of the hospital. Because of this, dead bodies are now being kept in the corridors of the hospital. Back in India, an RT-PCR test has been made mandated for passengers coming in from China and 4 other countries including Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Thailand.