California: X, a popular social media platform, has recently implemented a new policy to crack down on pornography. The policy has been met with mixed reactions, with some users praising the company for taking action against adult content, while others have complained that the policy is too restrictive and has led to legitimate content being blocked.

One of the main concerns raised by users is that the new policy is causing Blue Badges, which are verification badges for notable accounts, to stop working. Blue Badges are typically awarded to accounts that belong to public figures, celebrities, and brands. However, under the new policy, X is reportedly suspending Blue Badges for accounts that have been caught posting or sharing pornography.

This has led to a number of complaints from users who have had their Blue Badges suspended. In some cases, users have reported that their Blue Badges have been suspended even after they have deleted all of the adult content from their accounts.

One user, who goes by the handle @JohnDoe, tweeted: “My Blue Badge was just suspended for posting a photo of a painting that contained nudity. The painting is hundreds of years old and is considered a masterpiece, but X doesn’t seem to care. This is ridiculous.”

Another user, @JaneSmith, wrote: “I’m a journalist and I need my Blue Badge to be able to do my job properly. I’ve never posted any pornography, but my Blue Badge was suspended anyway. I’ve tried to appeal the decision, but I haven’t heard back from X yet.”

X has defended its new policy, saying that it is necessary to protect users from harmful content. The company has also said that it is working to improve its system for detecting and removing pornography. However, it is clear that the new policy is causing problems for some users, and X needs to do more to address these concerns.

There are a number of potential solutions to the problem of Blue Badges being suspended for accounts that post or share legitimate content. One solution would be for X to be more transparent about its policy and to provide more specific guidance on what types of content are considered to be pornography. X could also develop a more sophisticated system for detecting and removing pornography, which would reduce the risk of legitimate content being blocked.

Another solution would be for X to allow users to appeal Blue Badge suspensions more easily. Currently, the process for appealing a suspension is complex and time-consuming. X could make the process more user-friendly by streamlining the steps involved and providing users with more timely feedback.