Samsung’s new finding might come as a setback for IT firms and corporate biggies. Basically, the Korean firm doesn’t want employees to work a lot. It has come up with a new mouse which in real acts as a mouse on time out. Primarily the brand focuses on improving work life balance for people who are under heavy pressure to complete pending work.

This typical mouse designed by Samsung is exclusively for people who work beyond their office hours ditching their personal commitments. Known as Balance Mouse, it runs away from the desk the moment you start working beyond your dedicated time. No this is not a figment of imagination but reality that comes into existence through Samsung Balance Mouse. Well, you might think it is easy to catch hold of the concept mouse created. The main part of the device ejects out of the crore and there’s no way you are getting your hands on it.

Samsung in collaboration with an ad agency released a video on its Korean You Tube channel. In the video the tech biggie states that it has created a device that will solve the problem of overworking.” When working overtime, this innovative product reveals its genuine features”, it said in the video. It detects hand movements and wheels out of the house and runs away. Thinking of catching it! It’s better to take an off rather.