Lucknow: During the winter session of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Akhilesh Yadav, the president of the Samajwadi Party (SP) and former Chief Minister launched a criticism against the BJP. He accused the government of dismantling institutions to encourage people to turn to private hospitals for treatment. 

Yadav firmly stated that the government was failing in its responsibility to ensure healthcare for the underprivileged in hospitals. Instead he claimed that middlemen were facilitating transfers from every hospital under BJP governance to hospitals.

Akhilesh Yadav expressed his concern about government hospitals not providing medicines to patients. He highlighted a trend where there were rumors about considering privatization of colleges by the government. Yadav expressed disappointment over the declining state of healthcare facilities citing an incident where a BJP MPs son tragically lost his life due to delayed medical attention in a government hospital.

The SP leader stressed on revitalising government hospitals rather than undermining them. He criticised what he perceived as an emphasis by the government, on promoting healthcare at the expense of public institutions. Akhilesh Yadav argued that responsibilities extended beyond tactics and should prioritise citizens’ well being, particularly those who heavily rely on government healthcare facilities.

This criticism arises in the midst of conversations surrounding the condition of healthcare facilities and services prompting inquiries about the government’s dedication to ensuring that all citizens regardless of their status have access to affordable and high quality healthcare. The narrative put forth by Akhilesh Yadav sheds light on the challenges faced by public healthcare in Uttar Pradesh and invites a broader dialogue on the role of government in ensuring the welfare of its constituents.