Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath recently opened several healthcare projects across the state costing ₹1,147 crore at the SGPGI in Lucknow on Tuesday. While inaugurating new departments in the Medical College, which includes the long-awaited Advanced Pediatric Centre, Adityanath praised the double-engine government for the massive development that has happened in the state. He mentioned his role in the campaign for better child healthcare services in India. At the same time, he was a Lok Sabha MP from Gorakhpur in Parliament and went on demonstrations campaigning for children’s needs in India.

While delivering his speech, the Chief Minister highlighted the great achievements that have been witnessed in the health sector since 2017 led by the Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi. He pointed out that the number of medical colleges in Uttar Pradesh has increased from 18 districts to 64, and the state wants to achieve One District, One College. Hemant said that the number of MBBS and postgraduate seats available for healthcare aspirants has gone up manifold due to new medical colleges, thus contributing to the state’s medical education infrastructure.

He also commended the improvement in tackling Japanese encephalitis, which was mostly a child health menace, as one of the successes in the child health sector. He opened several healthcare complex units at SGPGI: The Advanced Diabetes Centre, Tele ICU, Saloni Heart Centre, and a hostel for the College of Medical Technology.

One of the major expansions, the Advanced Pediatric Centre, will include 575 beds and service 22 specialty departments. Services such as hormonal disorders, diabetes centres, pediatric ICU, emergency pediatric genetics, and pediatric neurology will be pulled under one roof to serve the patient better.

The Chief Minister has also launched the first phase of the Saloni Heart Centre, in which surgeries for children’s serious ailments will be performed.

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