Over the past three days, due to continuous rain at Agra in Uttar Pradesh, water leakage has been observed in the main dome of the Taj Mahal; apart from that, the gardens around the Taj Mahal are fully inundated. A video illustrating the under-watered garden was shared on social media on Thursday and was seen by so many tourists who were enjoying the site.

A senior official from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) said the surface of the dome is, in fact, leaky because of seepage, but there is no threat to the structure. Rajkumar Patel, the superintending chief at ASI in Agra Circle, mentioned, “There was seepage seen in the main dome of the Taj Mahal that we noticed but no damage had happened; we checked the condition of the dome with a drone camera.” This statement of the authorities shows that they are very much conscious of the monument’s condition.

On Thursday evening, the clip showing that the garden was filled with water from the rain was spread on social networks, revealing what heavy rains can do even to the most unique place in the world. The licensed tour guides at Agra stood in support of the monuments stating that the Taj Mahal is a pride to both Agra and the country, providing employment to hundreds of people in the tourism industry. Another Professional Tourist Guide License holder, Monika Sharma, also opined about the need for proper consideration to maintain the monument, stating that ‘due care should be taken of the monument as it is the only hope for the people related to the tourism sector.

It has not only caused water logging problems all over Agra but has, therefore, affected the Taj Mahal, as always. Roads and National highways got water flooded to the extent that some agricultural fields were submerged, and even the posh localities experienced water levels up to chest deep in response, local authorities began to take appropriate actions.

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