Sambhal violence case: SP MP Ziaur Rahman gets a big blow from the High Court, FIR will not be cancelled. In the Sambhal violence case, the Allahabad High Court is very strict. The court has said that if Rahman does not come to record his statement after the police gives him notice and does not cooperate in the police investigation, he will be arrested.

Samajwadi Party MP Ziaur Rahman Barq has suffered a major setback in the case of violence that took place during the survey on November 24 at Shahi Jama Masjid in Sambhal. Allahabad High Court has rejected the demand to cancel the FIR registered against MP Ziaur Rahman Barq. The High Court said that the FIR will not be canceled in this case and the police investigation will continue. However, the court has ordered the police not to arrest Rehman for now.

What did the Allahabad High Court say?

  • An old order of the Supreme Court should be implemented.
  • The sections under which FIR has been filed against MP Barq carry a punishment of less than 7 years.
  • Police have the right to send notice and call them for interrogation.
  • MP Rahman will have to cooperate with the police investigation.
  • If you do not cooperate in the police investigation, you will be arrested.
  • Ziaur Rahman will have to cooperate in the police investigation.

Allahabad High Court has also said that it will implement an old order of the Supreme Court in this case. The court said that the sections under which an FIR has been filed against Rehman carry a punishment of less than 7 years. Police can issue a notice to MP Ziaur Rehman and call him for questioning. During this time, the Rehman will have to cooperate in the police investigation. If Rehman does not come to record his statement after being given the notice and does not cooperate in the police investigation, he will be arrested.

In the case of violence that took place in Sambhal on November 24, the police had also made local Samajwadi Party MP Zia-ur-Rehman Barq an accused. An FIR was registered against him under several sections. He was accused of inciting people for violence. MP Rehman challenged the FIR in Allahabad High Court and pleaded to cancel it. But the court has rejected it. The case was heard today in the division bench of Justice Rajiv Gupta and Justice Azhar Hussain Idrisi. Advocates Imran Ullah and Syed Iqbal Ahmed presented arguments on behalf of MP Zia-ur-Rehman Barq. Government advocate AK Sand presented the case on behalf of the UP government.

Violence broke out during the survey of the mosque on 24 November in Sambhal. An FIR has been registered against 7 people in this case. MP Ziaur Rahman Barq’s name is also included in this. A FIR was registered against him in this case. Along with this, an FIR was also registered against Sohail Iqbal, son of local MLA Iqbal Mahmood. Soheb Iqbal is also a SP leader.

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