Unfortunately Uttar Pradesh is currently facing the challenges of fog and severe cold weather. Tragically this fog has resulted in road accidents. In the Saharanpur Kotwali area on the Gangoh Karnal road section a ten wheeler truck collided with a bike. Regrettably both young individuals riding the bike lost their lives in this accident. The police have taken the bodies of these victims for mortem examination.

Furthermore another road accident occurred in the region. Caused injuries, to four people, including two students. It has been reported that these accidents can be attributed to the thick fog that enveloped the area. The incident took place on a Saturday morning when Aqram (22) and Sabir (25) who reside in Kundakala village within area were riding their bike towards Gangoh for some errands. As they approached Kalalahati village on the Gangoh Karnal road a ten wheeler truck collided with them resulting in injuries. Immediate medical attention was provided as they were rushed to the Community Health Center (CHC). Unfortunately medical professionals declared them deceased.

The police, from Gangoh acted promptly. Arrived at the scene to take control of the truck involved in this collision. It is important to highlight that dense fog played a role in causing these accidents within this particular area.

The unfortunate event highlights the difficulties that adverse weather conditions, fog, present, for road safety. When visibility is limited in circumstances the chances of accidents happening are significantly higher as can be seen from the collisions, in this case. It is crucial for both authorities and drivers to exercise care during times of reduced visibility to avoid these incidents. 

The police’s swift response in securing the accident site and initiating an investigation is crucial for understanding the circumstances leading to the collisions and ensuring accountability if necessary. Additionally, the injuries sustained by the other accident victims highlight the broader impact of weather-related accidents on the community’s well-being and safety. Efforts to raise awareness about safe driving practices in adverse weather conditions are crucial to minimizing the risk of such incidents in the future.