Sadly, an incident took place in Faridabad, Haryana, on Friday where, due to a flood in the underpass, two employees of a private bank got captured in their SUV and lost their lives. The victims have been named as Punyashray Sharma, a branch manager with HDFC Bank, aged 48 years, and Viraj Dwivedi, 26, a cashier at HDFC branch situated in Gurugram Sector 31 who was returning home in Greater Faridabad with the two.

Due to heavy rain throughout the day, there was waterlogged at the Faridabad Railway underpass and there were several warnings going on for motorists as it became very risky to cross that area. However, Sharma and Dwivedi ignored such advisories and what they saw as low-water levels for their SUV to cross through the underpass. When the water surrounded the car very fast, both men understood what kind of danger they were facing and tried to get out of the car and swim to the shore. Unfortunately, they failed in their attempt and died in the floods that were quickly rising by this time.

Police, ambulance, and fire services were notified of the situation when residents noticed an SUV in the underpass that was covered with water. As soon as the police officials got a word of the incident, they immediately sent a team to establish the truth. When they got there, they found out that there was a vehicle that had sunk and immediately started search and rescue missions. Sadly, it was too late for Sharma and Dwivedi, and both were found unconscious.

Due to this unfortunate event, the danger involved in driving in waterlogged zones can be learned, and it goes down to teaching a lesson on the unpredictability of the weather during the monsoon season. Despite such calls, the public has been alerted to avoid risk areas, particularly flooded roads, and this comes against a backdrop of severe rainfall. Such an incident, which cost the lives of two individuals, should be a wake-up call for people to exercise more caution during such weather conditions.

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