Murshidabad: Over the weekend, at least three people died in a deadly house explosion in Murshidabad, West Bengal. The accident happened in the Khayartala area when homemade country bombs exploded, which were allegedly being produced at the house of one Mamun Mollah. As crews shifted through the debris, it was discovered that the force of the explosion was so great as to bring the house’s roof down.
Eyewitnesses in the neighborhood of Mollah claimed to have heard a loud bang but did not know the cause of the occurrence at first. It was subsequently found that the blast occurred when Mollah, Sakirul Sarkar, and Mustaqin Sheikh, who were all in the house at the time were killed. The authorities have initiated an investigation into the matter, and the police investigating teams are conducting their investigations.
The blast took place in Rathore Colony, which comes under the Kotwali police station. Authorities are still investigating to determine the exact cause of the explosion, while one man, Vasudev Rathore, who lost his house and his daughter-in-law in the mishap, attributed the explosion to gunpowder. Rathore also pointed out that the LPG cylinders that were observed during the debris clearance were in their sealed condition, and hence, there was no chance of a cylinder blast.
This dire occurrence happened in a week following a previous mishap in Ankleshwar in Gujarat, in which four employees lost their lives in an explosion of a boiler in a waste treatment plant. The explosive incident occurred at Detox India Private Limited, an industrial waste treatment organizational company that is located in Bharuch. The local police are also investigating the cause of the explosion that occurred in Gujarat at the present time.
Each of them raises concerns on the handling of explosives and industries’ risks, therefore the need for more protection measures.
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