After Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin condemned Governor RN Ravi for not attending the traditional address in the state assembly, the Raj Bhavan responded by fiercely supporting Ravi and calling Stalin arrogant. It started on January 6 when Governor Ravi walked out of the assembly without the usual speech, later explaining that he had done so “In deep anguish” since they had not been playing the national anthem.
Stalin lashed out at the governor, saying such a move was childish, and accused Ravi of not being able to digest the development going on in the state. Stalin also added that owing to Ravi’s acts, there has been a disturbing trait in the assembly proceedings since he became governor. He quoted the governor’s example of giving the customary address in 2022 as unaltered but pointed out that from the following years onwards, Ravi skipped it, much to the latter’s chagrin, calling them “stupid reasons”.
On Sunday, X published the Raj Bhavan’s stout reply to the criticism of Stalin by sharing the following statement on his wall, “Stalin wants to tell people that it is ‘absurd’ and ‘childish’ to demand that everyone treat the National Anthem with due respect and follow fundamental rights and duties prescribed by the Constitution.” The Raj Bhavan went on to allege that Stalin and his alliance and the DMK cannot accept and respect India as a nation and its Constitution.
When the House debated on the motion of thanks to the governor’s address, Stalin showed concern over conflict issues to the assembled House. He underlined the importance of the Tamil Nadu assembly, saying it reflects the dreams of millions of people. Stalin also noted that such controversies are detrimental to the dignity of the institution.
The conflict between the governor and the chief minister is well ongoing and presents a factional political battle where both sides form adverse methods of appraising each other’s constitutional loyalty and democratic integrity.
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