On Wednesday, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that two officers from the Jharkhand Police intelligence branch were monitoring Champai Soren during his visits to New Delhi. This surveillance happened before Soren’s political inclusion into the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). In the same development, a woman and officers were said to have been caught taking photographs of Soren’s hotel room, as stated by Sarma. They went drunk and were caught by Soren’s assistants; then they were handed over to the Delhi Police.

Sarma revealed that the detained officers were sub-inspectors belonging to Jharkhand Police special branch. On this, they were said to have been deployed to follow Soren on the instructions of a ‘’high ranking person’’ holding a ‘’constitutional office’’ in Jharkhand. Sarma said that the officers had been on the same flight to Delhi as Soren from Kolkata and had been staying at the hotel in the room next to Soren.

The Assam Chief Minister criticised the alleged spying as being an unprecedented invasion of privacy. He simply said that even Soren’s phone may have been bugged, and referring to Soren as a top-of-the-line tribal chief, asked if he could be an extremist.

Sarma targeted the JMM Congress government, accusing them of hypocrisy because of their statements against the violation of constitutional provisions. He was worried about the conduct of the ruling coalition, something he considered abhorrent to the principles they had.

Champai Soren, who recently stated that he would shift his loyalty to BJP, had been on the radar since August 20 after being criticized by the JMM leadership. Soren’s betrayal was occasioned by his removal, which he alleged was an embarrassing dismissal as Chief Minister on July 3, and his replacement by Hemant Soren. Champai Soren, who continued in the Hemant Soren Cabinet, had a meeting on Monday with Amit Shah in New Delhi and also had the company of, as has been said, Sarma.

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