The Election Department of the sub-district is undertaking a special brief reexamination program for the photo-affixed voter list of the constituencies, with the formatted publication of unified photo-affixed voter lists scheduled for January 6, 2024. Neelima Takshak, Deputy Election Officer, mentioned that a dedicated campaign will be conducted on January 7 and January 21, 2024, at the polling centers for claims and objections on the formatted lists.

She informed that the Booth Level Officers (BLOs) will be present throughout the day at the polling centers on January 7 and 21, 2024, to receive and address claims and objections. On January 20, discussions and verification will occur with respect to the entries in the related sections of the voter lists in the Gram Sabha/local body and Residential Welfare Society.

Claims and objections will be resolved until February 2, and the final publication of the voter list will be done on February 8, 2024. To add names to the voter rolls, four eligibility dates have been determined: January 1, 2024, April 1, 2024, July 1, 2024, and October 1, 2024. The Election Department has provided four opportunities annually (January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1) for adding names to the voter rolls.

Neelima Takshak highlighted that citizens can apply for online registration, modification, and deletion of names through the NVSP portal. Information regarding the entries in the voter lists can also be obtained from the portal. Furthermore, the Election Commission has introduced the Voter Helpline app to facilitate registration, information, complaints, and other related activities at a single platform.

She emphasized the establishment of District Contact Centers at the district level for voter registration, modification, and other information/complaints/suggestions. The toll-free number for this center is 1950.

In summary, the election department is actively engaged in various initiatives to streamline voter list, providing citizens with convenient online options and contact centers for a seamless electoral process.

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