Jaipur: Fourteen officials from Hindustan Copper Limited, who were trapped in a coal mine in Neem Ka Thana, Rajasthan, were rescued by the rescue teams on Wednesday morning. Strangely, one official was killed, sources say. The officials had been trapped in the Kolihan mine since Tuesday night after the lift had collapsed.

The event occurred when the vertical shaft transporting the 15 officials fell down after one of its ropes snapped. The officials were at 577 meters. The rescue teams worked tirelessly around the clock through the night, using ladders and manually moving the lift to reach the trapped people. The scene was full of ambulances and medical teams that were on the spot to give the victims prompt medical help.

“The rescue of all has been finished. Three have been brought out of the mine and sent to the hospital. They have fractures,” said Dr. Mahendra Singh, a medical team member, to PTI.

The rescue operation was a tough undertaking; some of the officials got themselves seriously hurt. Three people were in such a critical condition that they were carried to a hospital in Jaipur, Rajasthan, for treatment. Some of the people who were taken out of the mine had bones in their arms and legs that were broken. Nursing staff from Jhunjhunu Government Hospital, Shishram, have verified the injuries and said, “Some people have suffered fractures in hands and some in legs. Everyone is safe. Three people are in grave danger while the rest are safe. The rescue operation was carried out with the ladder’s help.

The vigilance team from Kolkata managed the lifts, and the mine officials were carrying them when the rope supporting the lifts broke, causing the lifts to crash more than 1,800 feet inside the mine. The caught officials comprised Chief Vigilance Officer Upendra Pandey, KCC GH head GD Gupta, and Kolihan Mine AK Sharma, Deputy General Manager.

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