A lawyer said the Rajasthan High Court on Thursday released Mohammed Javed who was among the accused in the 2022 beheading of Udaipur’s tailor, Kanhaiya Lal. Recently, based on the horrific incident that took place, Javed was arrested by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on 22 July 2022.

Udaipur tailor Kanhaiya Lal was beheaded in his shop by Riyaz Attari and Ghous Mohammed on June 28, 2022. It was done for Lal’s association with now expelled former BJP employee Nupur Sharma, who made remarks about Prophet Mohammed. The attackers recorded the outrageous act on their cellular phones, and over social media, they started celebrating the dastardly act and challenging the Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi. They even took photos with the very knives that were used for the murders and did not seem to care. Two of the attackers were arrested the same evening of the incident, while the other was arrested the following morning.

The development of the investigation made by the NIA proved that Mohammed Javed played a major role in murdering her. He is accused of having a recce of Kanhaiya Lal’s shop and then guiding Riyaz Attari and Ghous Mohammed where the victim was to enable them to commit the murder.

However, Javed has recently been charge-sheeted on very serious counts, and yet he has been released on bail by the Rajasthan High Court. This has given rise to reactions from different people, especially due to the barbaric nature of the act and the inclusion of Javed. The trial is ongoing, and the case has remained sensitive as people demand speedy justice for the brutal murder of Kanhaiya Lal.

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