Rajasthan’s Chief Minister, Bhajan Lal Sharma has made an announcement that brings relief to the public. As per the announcement starting from January 1st, families associated with the Ujjwala scheme in Rajasthan will now be able to purchase gas cylinder at a reduced price of Rs 450. Bhajan Lal mentioned that this step aligns with the promises made in the BJP’s manifesto.

It is noteworthy that previously under the Modi government’s Ujjwala scheme beneficiaries were entitled to subsidised gas cylinders at a cost of Rs 600. However the Bhajan Lal government in Rajasthan has decided to reduce this cost for families linked with the Ujjwala scheme to Rs 450. The state government will bear the remaining amount of Rs 150 to ensure affordability for these beneficiaries.

Bhajan Lal Sharma emphasised that this initiative is consistent with the commitments outlined in BJP’s election manifesto. The objective behind this move is to alleviate burdens on families and promote cooking fuel usage. This reduction in gas cylinder prices is expected to benefit households across Rajasthan.

Moreover Chief Minister Bhajan Lal highlighted his government’s unwavering dedication towards fulfilling promises and safeguarding people’s well being.

By implementing this decrease in the prices of gas cylinders the government aims to improve the availability of goods for the people of Rajasthan. This choice demonstrates the stance of the state administration in catering to the requirements of vulnerable segments of society.

It also aligns with the larger national goal of promoting clean energy and ensuring the availability of affordable cooking fuel to all sections of the population. In conclusion, Bhajan Lal Sharma’s announcement regarding the reduction in gas cylinder prices for Ujjwala scheme beneficiaries in Rajasthan underscores the government’s commitment to its electoral promises and the welfare of the people. The move is poised to positively impact households, making clean cooking fuel more accessible and affordable for families associated with the Ujjwala scheme in the state.