Khadoor Sahib MP and sitting legislator Amritpal Singh, who has been lodged in Dibrugarh jail Assam under NSA, plans to form a new regional political party on January 14. The announcement will be simultaneously made during a rally, ‘Panth Bachao, Punjab Bachao, ’ scheduled during ‘Maghi Da Mela’ in Sri Muktsar Sahib district of Punjab.

The decision of Amritpal Singh is coming at a time when his political and ideological position remains under discussion. Introducing this new campaign, the MP who has been actively defending Sikh rights and has had stated pro-Khalistani learnings, wants his organization to have the greatest political effect. His rally and party launch will get attention in Punjab from all general and political fields.

Amritpal Singh last flew by air to Dibrugarh to take oath as a Lok Sabha MP on July 5, 2024. He was arrested in Punjab under the NSA on April 23, 2023, after 36 days of police chasing him. Nine of his assistants, as well as he, were arrested on the charges, including being a security threat to the state. The NSA allows personal detention without being charged in court for over one year if they are regarded as a risk to the nation.

Amritpal Singh was the leader of the Punjabi socio-political organization ‘Waris Punjab De,’ a title he gave in 2022. He was more notorious as one of the leaders who verbally encouraged Khalistani sentiments through hate speeches and was involved in the case of the Ajnala police station attack. This was where the armed followers of Amritpal invaded the station to force the police to release the detained aide. Thus the police subordinates were attacked and injured.

This new political party of his which is expected soon we guess will further fuel the politics and controversy taking place in Punjab and give a new dimension to the socio-political compass of Punjab.

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