Amritsar: Today in Amritsar, a devastating fire broke out at two locations, engulfing Bansal Sweets and a stationery shop. The intensity of the flames required several hours of efforts by the fire department to bring it under control.

The ferocity of the fire spread rapidly, impacting the surrounding areas as well. Despite local residents’ attempts to extinguish the flames, their efforts proved futile. The incident has reportedly caused significant financial losses for the confectionery business owner.

According to information received, the kitchen of the restaurant at Bansal Sweets on Lawrence Road experienced a sudden short circuit, igniting the fire. As the fire intensified, the fire department was alerted, and their vehicles promptly arrived at the scene. After nearly five hours of relentless efforts, the fire department successfully gained control over the flames.

Similarly, in the vicinity of Chaudhary Bagh Gate on Lawrence Road, a stationery shop caught fire around 5 AM. The blaze resulted in substantial losses, and it was also attributed to a short circuit. The fire’s outbreak necessitated a swift response from the fire department.

The coordinated efforts of the fire department during both incidents exemplify their dedication to tackling emergencies and ensuring public safety. The challenges faced during the five-hour operation at Bansal Sweets underscore the severity of the situation, with the flames posing a threat not only to the targeted establishments but also to the neighbouring areas.

The incidents serve as a reminder of the importance of fire safety measures and the need for vigilance to prevent such mishaps. The affected businesses and local residents must now assess the aftermath and work towards recovery, emphasising the significance of community support during challenging times.

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