Mumbai: The Police interrogation during the BMW Hit and run case in Mumbai revealed that the prime suspect, Mihir Shah, is a habitual drinker. Although the police sources have not been verified but it is reported that the suspect told this information to the police.

Mihir Shah, who is currently 23 years old, has been the accused of the death of Kaveri Nakhwa, who was a 45 year old individual, when he hit her with his BMW and ran away. After his arrest, the accused even told about his frequent drinking habits. Some of the Police sources even say that the suspect shaved his beard and cut his hair to evade from the police authorities and the investigation regarding the case.

Barber Corporates with Mumbai Police

The barber who cutted Mihir Shah’s hair and shaved his beard also confessed to the police regarding the incident. Therefore, Mumbai police took no time to arrest the suspect who was found 65 km away from Mumbai in Vihar.

On 6 July, Mihir was returning to his home from a bar in Juhu where he collided with a two-wheeler during the morning at 5:30 AM. This incident led to the death of the Kaveri Nakhwa, who went with her husband Mr. Nakhwa to get some fish for their meal. In this incident, his husband also suffered from various injuries.

When the CCTV footage was revealed, it was shocking for the viewers to see that Kaveri Nakhwa was dragged almost 1.5 kms by the car before it came to a stop. The police reports even said that Mihir Shah switched his seats with Rajrishi Bidawat before they dragged the body and Mihir Shah fleed from the scene.

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