The Manipur Chief Minister, N Biren Singh, has come out in the open to tender an apology for the shut-out of ethnic violence in Manipur since May 2023. The conflict mainly between the two groups commonly known as Meiteis and Kukis has caused a high death rate, people have been forced to flee their homes while properties have been burned.

“It seems that the entire year has been rather unfortunate for this show. I wish to express my profound sorrow for what happened since May 3 and state my wish to personally apologize to the people of the state for the suffering I have caused them. People buried their dear and near ones, and millions were displaced.” He spoke to the media, saying: “It is therefore with real deep sincerity that I truly feel immense regret.”

Looking back on the performances in the past several months, Singh seemed to be quite hopeful of the coming prospects. “In the last 3-4 months, much has been done, and positive signs towards the achievement of a lasting peace have been observed. Thus, I pray that with the New Year 2025, full normalcy and harmony will return to Manipur. I want to encourage all communities to forget past offenses and sins. In this connection, people can unite and work together to establish a harmonious and prosperous Manipur for the people,” added the Chief Minister.

The killings at first were restricted to the Imphal Valley and other neighbouring districts, but they spread to the relatively uncontaminated Jiribam district in June 2023. The new bout of firing was preceded by the recovery of a man’s body in Jiribam, triggering arson, gun battles, and houses burnt. The conflicts led to the shifting of more than 1000 inhabitants. The gory incidents depict the strained relationship between the Meitei and Kuki tribal groups.

Singh’s apology is considered as serious act that is aimed at renewing the relations between different communities that were affected by these crimes. The government still tries to bring order in the province and to solve the factors that led to the conflict as well.

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