Around 500 tribal agitators from Sidhi district in Madhya Pradesh sat on a dharna for six hours in front of the district collectorate today, claiming that they were not even given proper roads and electricity. The protest, which was held in association with the Shiv Sena, involved people of the town taking to the streets from Gandhi Chowk to the collectorate, with Shiv Sena Vice President Vivek Pandey leading the protest meeting.

The demonstrators were from the Kusmi forest region comprising of Runda, Bhadora, Bhainswahi and Majhigwan Phulwa villages and their plea was for development saying there was no proper road, electricity or drinking water in those areas. The protest started with the preparation of an appeal to the District Administration which demanded taking urgent measures. However, when police blocked their way to the collectorate, they sat on the road and declared to meet the higher rank officers.

The villagers would not accept anything less than a response from the authorities present in the form of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) and Tehsildar and refused to submit the memorandum. It became worse, and that focus brought awareness to poor, underprivileged communities that have suffered for decades without basic necessities.

At night, around 8 pm, the CEO of District Panchayat and the acting additional district magistrate, Anshuman Raj, reached the place to resolve the problem. They complained to him patiently, and he promised them he would take the necessary action on any issue they brought up with him. After receiving such assurance, the protest was halted.

This protest is related to the problems of the tribal people of the Kusmi forest region; many villages still have no roads, electricity, or other basic amenities. According to one participant, “When a pain builds up, people develop a lump in their throat and a voice is born.” It has given a voice to this group that has, in turn, focused the next administration on delivering on the promises made to such groups of people.

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