Dewas: A disturbing video has surfaced online, capturing the alarming actions of villagers from Iklera, Madhya Pradesh, who taunted and tormented an ailing leopard. The footage reveals the leopard, evidently in a weakened state, being encircled by several villagers. A particularly audacious man, distinguishable by his red pants, goes so far as to shoo others away and audaciously sit atop the distressed creature.

Initially, when the leopard was spotted near the forest fringes close to Iklera in Dewas district, it understandably triggered panic amongst the locals. However, observing its lackluster demeanor, they quickly deduced that the animal was unwell. Instead of maintaining a safe distance, several villagers exploited the leopard’s vulnerability, teasing it, clicking selfies, and even attempting to mount it as if it were a domesticated animal. Fortunately, a conscientious villager alerted the forest department about the situation.

As word spread and people congregated, some opted to fill their waiting time by engaging with the leopard, unaware or indifferent to the stress they were inflicting on the already compromised creature. A rescue team dispatched from Ujjain eventually intervened, ensuring the leopard’s safety.

The unsettling incident, now viral, has triggered a wave of condemnation online. One netizen poignantly remarked, “We encroach upon their habitats in the name of progress, and now we violate their dignity. It’s a dark reflection of our humanity.”

Santosh Shukla, a Forest Officer, disclosed that the leopard, approximately two years old, was relocated to Van Vihar in Bhopal for urgent medical attention. Confirming the animal’s dire state, he mentioned, “Despite its evident suffering, the locals continued to harass it.” Jitendra Chauhan, a forest guard, further elaborated on the leopard’s condition, noting its disorientation and impaired mobility. Thankfully, with the dedicated care at Van Vihar, hopes are high for the leopard’s complete recovery.