The RGPV scam case, involving an alleged embezzlement of ₹20 crore, has prompted swift action from the police, who have intensified their investigation. Plans are underway to issue lookout notices against the fugitive suspects implicated in the scam. A proposal has been sent to the Central Home Department to issue lookout notices against the former Chancellor, Registrar, and Controller of RGPV, the accused in the scam. Lookout notices will be issued once approval is granted.

The police have received intelligence suggesting that the accused may attempt to flee the country. To apprehend them, the police have formed three teams. Raids have been conducted at various locations in search of the former Registrar and retired Finance Controller. It’s reported that six raids have been conducted in the past month alone. In an attempt to evade arrest, the former Chancellor Professor and the accused Sunil Kumar have applied for anticipatory bail.

The demand for the arrest of the accused in the university scam has led to protests by the All India Students’ Council. The police have assured the ABVP of issuing lookout notices against the accused. It’s worth mentioning that RGPV had collected FDs from students’ funds, which were misappropriated, resulting in approximately ₹20 crore being transferred to private accounts. The names of the former Registrar R.S. Rajput, retired Finance Controller Rishikesh Verma, and former Chancellor Professor Sunil Kumar have surfaced in connection with this case, leading to the filing of an FIR against them.

Moreover, allegations of irregularities have been leveled against Kumar Mayank, an employee of RBL Bank, and the Dalit Association in Sohagpur. Consequently, cases of fraud have been registered against all involved parties at the Gandhinagar police station. The investigation continues to unfold as authorities delve deeper into the intricate web of corruption within the university.

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