Jabalpur: A major scam has come to light in the recruitment process of the Jabalpur district cooperative bank in Madhya Pradesh. After the news about the scandal went live, Jabalpur district collector Deepak Saxena made proposals to suspend related officials who were in charge of the department. The investigation unveiled that a search for these positions was made in such an inappropriate way against all existing principles.

Such reservation, it was additionally discovered, was filled out fraudulently during the recruitment in another case as well. Influential people in the departments in charge bypassed all formalized procedures and used public ads to recruit candidates they liked, some without the right approvals.

As such, the verdict implies the falsity of the whole recruitment procedure. The recruitment processes by Collector Deepak Saxena have been declared null and void. The steps that have been undertaken are the suspension of the five officials who were found and the provision of notices to others who are part of this matter.

While the recruitment process has started, it is also worth mentioning that the advertisement for this specific occasion was officially released on March 14, 2024. This incentive got 27 people hired to the position of Committee Manager. When people got the chance to file complaints, it came as an allegation that the recruitment took place blatantly without following rules. After a time, the issue was submitted to Collector Shri Deepak Kumar Saxena, who ultimately constituted an inquiry committee to investigate the claims.

The committee report found the cheating cases on the ground to break. Thus, Saxena asked to dump the whole recruitment process. A short while later, the holding secretary proceeded with his airlines by writing suspension letters. There were officers such as the then CEO, Devendra Kumar Rai and others involved in the bribery case, which was being investigated by the agency then.

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