Bhopal: Paddy procurement in Madhya Pradesh has been found to be a major scam. During a review after the end of the procurement season, the Directorate of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection found that a total of 43 lakh metric tons of same were purchased, out of which 5,100 quintals were bogus. It is a serious cause of concern over the irregularities in the procurement process.
The findings have prompted the department to write letters to 20 district collectors advising them to probe the matter. Fraudulent entries were made in the e-procurement portal, and records were manipulated systematically, it was found. A shortage of gunny bags (which are used for moving procured paddy) was also reported, indicating discrepancies of a much greater magnitude in the procurement process.
As per this, the Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department has directed the collectors to get these irregularities thoroughly investigated. The discrepancies are to be physically verified through procurement records and the stock so as to determine the source and extent of them. Before January 27, the department asked collectors to submit a detailed report of their findings.
This scam also brings to light problems in the e-procurement system and the lack of transparency and accountability in the process itself. Action will surely have to be taken sternly against those involved in acts of fraud. It is imperative that government procurement processes be fair and transparent in order to protect farmers’ interests and to assure the public trust. Stakeholders across the state will be following closely the outcome of the investigations and the subsequent measures in place.
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